defence n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫物;〔pl.〕 【军事】防御工事,堡垒。 4.护身术。 5.【法律】(被告的)抗辩,答辩;被告一方(包括被告及其辩护律师)。 6.【体育】守方。 legal defence 正当防卫。 line of defence 【军事】防线。 national defence 国防。 The best defence is offence. 最好的防御是进攻,先下手为强。 counsel for the defence (刑事被告的)辩护人。 a defence against an attack 防御(敌人的)进攻。 defence in depth 纵深防御。 in defence of 以防卫,为保护…,为…辩护。 put oneself in the state of defence 摆开防御姿势。 the D- of the Realm Act 〔英国〕国防条例〔略 DORA,1914年8月的法令,规定政府在战争期间有广泛的权力〕。 the science [art] of defence 护身术[拳术、剑术等]。
A Defence of Poetry is an essay by the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, written in 1821 and first published posthumously in 1840 in Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments (1840) [1839].Sandy, Mark.